For more up-to-date information for people who are behind on rent and/or facing eviction, read our recent update on eviction protections and resources. COVID-19 and its effects have filled this year with challenges and uncertainty for Massachusetts veterans and their families. According to analysis of U.S. Census data by the National Equity Atlas, nearly 6.4 […]
DVS Makes Recent Increase in Asset Allowances Permanent, Helping More Veterans Qualify for Chapter 115 Benefits
The Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services (DVS) recently announced that it would make permanent a recent increase in the level of assets that low-income veterans and their families can have while receiving help from a safety net program called Chapter 115. This decision extends a change that allowed more people to access Chapter 115 benefits […]
New Income and Asset Guidelines Can Help Veterans Qualify for Chapter 115 Benefits
The Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services (DVS) has announced changes to an important benefits program to make sure that veterans and their families can receive the support they need through the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes include calculating income in a way that helps more people qualify for benefits and increasing the level of assets people […]
In Light of Ongoing Pandemic, Mass. Department of Veterans Services Makes Important Changes to Employment and Job Search Requirements for Chapter 115 Benefits Program
Veterans and family members who are applying for or already receiving Chapter 115 benefits should be aware of new program policies put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, some—but not all—Chapter 115 recipients who are unemployed are required to look for work as part of their eligibility for ongoing benefits. In June […]
Department of Veterans Services Announces New Pathway for Annuity Benefit for Families of Eligible Veterans Who Died After Contracting COVID-19
Under newly released guidelines, surviving parents or spouses of 100% service-connected disabled veterans who lost their lives after contracting COVID-19 now have easier access to an annuity benefit from the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) that could provide up to $2,000 per year. COVID-19 has taken the lives of more than 10,000 people in […]
Boston Globe | Low-income and laid-off veterans struggle to access state benefits created for them
By Brian MacQuarrie Globe Staff,Updated April 22, 2020, 8:57 a.m. But as more disabled and low-income veterans look to the state Department of Veterans’ Services for help accessing the benefits, they have been stymied by a lack of information on the agency’s website, leaving them unsure where else to turn, advocates for veterans said….